Radio Related Android & IPhone apps |
A collection of some favorites Last updated 05/02/13
SCANNER RADIO (LITE) - Listen to live audio from over 3,600 police and fire scanners, weather radios, and amateur radio repeaters from around the world on your phone - FREE (PRO version available $2.99)
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REPEATER FINDER - Worldwide repeater directory: Locate repeaters by state, distance, type, frequency; includes maps, repeater details, can identify local repeaters while traveling - $9.99
Excellent website too, supported by users - Repeater Finder Website
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REPEATER BOOK - Locate repeaters by state, distance, type, frequency, more - FREE
Excellent website too, supported by users - Repeater Book Web
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AMATEUR RADIO CALLSIGN DATABASE - Allows you to quickly and easily lookup license data for U.S. amateur radio callsigns. Search by Callsign or Last Name - FREE
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HAM RADIO TOOLS - Lots of handy radio related tools; Contact Log,Band Limit Chart, Formulas, Calculators, more - FREE
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HAM TOOLS - Lots of handy radio related tools; Current Solar Conditions, Call Sign Lookup, My Grid Square, more - FREE
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QTH LOCATOR - Calculates and displays your current QTH Locator (Maidenhead Grid Locator) in a Google Maps window - FREE
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ELECTRODROID - ElectroDroid is a simple and powerful collection of electronics tools and references - FREE (Ad supported, PRO version available $2.69)
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ELECTRONICS TOOLKIT - Provides a useful interface for calculating unknown quantities in the fields of electronics and electrical engineering. Current features include: Resistor colour codes, Ohm's Law and Power Calculator, Series/Parallel Value Calculator, Reactance Finder, Power Triangle, Resistivity, Magnetic Fields, Capacitors, more - FREE (PRO version available $1.09)
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OHM'S LAW CALCULATOR - Provides two simple, but highly useful calculators; Ohm's Law/Watt's Law and a Resistor Value calculator - FREE
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EVERY CIRCUIT FREE - An amazingly powerful circuit simulation tool. Build any circuit, tap play button, and watch dynamic voltage, current, and charge animations. This gives you insight into circuit operation like no equation does. While simulation is running, adjust circuit parameters with analog knob, and the circuit responds to your actions in real time - FREE (PRO version available $10.00)
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eMail Glenn (W4ULB)
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